"Free" | Teen Ink


November 23, 2011
By maptheseoul BRONZE, New City, New York
maptheseoul BRONZE, New City, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You musn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darlin'." - Eames, Inception.

The chains that bind you throughout hours long
You try to break away yet they pull back
This is not where these wretched chains belong
You see the sky and gaze upon its black
Should not this be where birds soar through the heights
You close your eyes in hopes of a great change
The endless yearn for ending all these fights
Eyes open once again -- yet still no change
Your screams and cries arn't heard by anyone
The world stomps over you, for you are crushed
The dreams you had yesterday are now none
Your helpless shouts and whimpers are now hushed
Your only wish is to be free at last
But chains and ropes bind you still to the past

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