Interstate 95 | Teen Ink

Interstate 95

November 9, 2011
By mariclare1 BRONZE, Cromwell, Connecticut
mariclare1 BRONZE, Cromwell, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Carpe diem.

With miles and miles to go before we rest
The highway stretches on in front of us.
I smile as I choke on words suppressed;
Each syllable I hide, one more knife thrust.

This is the perfect moment to confess
My thoughts and hopes and dreams of us to you.
I gather all my courage, but alas
My mouth, agape, stays silent and subdued.

You take your silver eyes off I-95
Just for an instant, to speak words unknown;
For in that flash, your soul escaped from mine
Aside from the debris, left all alone.

I walk along the roadside by the shore;
Unspoken love rests here for evermore.

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