My Boy | Teen Ink

My Boy

September 23, 2011
By meredith2013 BRONZE, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
meredith2013 BRONZE, Lawrenceburg, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A day unimportant, driving at dawn.
There stood seventy-five pounds of trouble
blocking my path bluntly on the double
yellow line. Not shameful nor fearful, drawn
eyes to the treat, he bamboozeled in on
our lives and emerged in to our bubble.
His tail wagging, tongue droopy, and stubble
like fur, he is silly and so doggone
doopey. Hoosier is loving, protecting,
and very honestly woman's best friend.
Hoosier understands my moods. My laughing
earns me kisses, and when crying, he’ll lend
an ear. He’s my sunshine, my goofy-joy,
and my life's true light. He's my baby boy!

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