Manipulation | Teen Ink


July 6, 2011
By JeanaWilde GOLD, Kearns, Utah
JeanaWilde GOLD, Kearns, Utah
12 articles 5 photos 0 comments

He moves first, taking on your paper walls
Demons disguised as angels, white moves in
Yet waiting for the moment judgment calls
Just to drive you into what lethal sin

The game of life where you play the victim
Behind what glow of eyes may search? May find?
Like they who are just parasites called him
Reality: how could you be so blind?

By him, the game left to manipulate
The players left to exploit and deceive
Unavoidably befalls you by fate
Devious underhandings you believe

Colors switch, the game board shifts somehow
Your grave turn to fool the foolishly foul

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