The Value of Your Love | Teen Ink

The Value of Your Love

May 26, 2011
By 872473 BRONZE, Lemon Grove, California
872473 BRONZE, Lemon Grove, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Perfection never looked so great. Why you ask?
Your beauty is perfect - pure, clean, precious.
No where else I’d rather be, then to bask
in your aura. Your eyes made my heart glorious.

You were the one who was always there love.
You cheered me up when I way always down.
You were the one who was always above
from the rest. I will always be around.

They see right through all my pain and sorrow.
It leaves my mind, heart, and soul. And anyone
elses love, I want not to even borrow.
When I run from my problems I always run

to my one; my all and my everything.
The value of your love, more than anything.

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