The Plant Life Around Us | Teen Ink

The Plant Life Around Us

May 7, 2011
By Lizabath BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
Lizabath BRONZE, Arvada, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The rose is like a proud lion,
King of the garden.
The grass is like a jealous younger sibling,
Always fighting for attention.
The rose is like a porchupine,
It's sharp thorns protecting itself from danger.
The grass is like a wounded bird,
Helpless and vulnerable to anything.
The rose's pedals are beautiful and delicate as a feather.
The grass blades are jagged like shark's teeth.
The rose stands tall as a giraffe.
The grass is short is short like a single piece of pencil led.
The rose's beauty stands out like a lion's mane.
Its colorful pedals catches everyones eye.
The flower of love,
Known world-wide.
The grass is vast, like a green ocean.
It can grow just about anywhere.
Its beauty merely overlooked,
By all that grows around it.
My eyes feast upon the rose.
But my heart goes to the grass.

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