Totems | Teen Ink


April 27, 2011
By Kaziel BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
Kaziel BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Stalking lonely across the lone prairie,
Long tail coils and pounces for the kill.
Gazelle runs and dodges claws with parry,
Big cat races and hungers for its fill.

Black wings flutter and fly away again,
Bright sharps eyes peer out and seek the fearful.
Platinum scales and flaming breath have been,
This other creatures weapons so dreadful.

Bright flaming wings spread and shine above us,
This legend is reborn from the ashes.
Ancient lizard lurks forward with each thrust,
Powerful jaws clamp down as it thrashes.

Alligator, Phoenix, Dragon, Cheetah, Raven,
Together guide me to their safe haven.

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