Never Lose Hope | Teen Ink

Never Lose Hope

February 7, 2011
By VietNewb BRONZE, Medford, Massachusetts
VietNewb BRONZE, Medford, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is just a never ending nightmare.
Life is unfair and filled with agony.
Everyone is gasping for hope and air.
But soon the old dying clock rings loudly.

Happiness only lasts for a second,
While sadness follows you til you die.
Your dull, sad, hopeless future is threatened.
As you continue, you ask yourself why?

Pain is behind you, waiting to attack.
Because, life is nothing more than a scam.
Controlled by your friends behind your bare back.
They will kill you and they won't give a dam.

But do not lose hope, til you find your love.
She will give meaning and make you rise bove.

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