Why sleep if we dont dream | Teen Ink

Why sleep if we dont dream

June 14, 2010
By Rachel Neiss BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
Rachel Neiss BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dreaming is life without reality.
Doing it all day and night. You sometimes
Only see it as practicality.
It’s all locked away inside of our minds.

We dream of it tonight yet not recall.
Ninety percent gone now, maybe later.
The dreams do not make it, never at all.
But dreams are not real, never to cater.

So I say it’s better to stay awake.
It worried me if only it was real.
But it couldn’t be besides dreams are fake.
Yet, only this one I could truly feel.

I tried, and I tried to opens my eyes;
It was but my life, sadly no more lies.

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