To a Good Friend | Teen Ink

To a Good Friend

January 17, 2010
By hola11 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
hola11 BRONZE, St. Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Whenever I’m particularly miffed,

Or lonesome thoughts pervade my weary head,

My gladdest thoughts aren’t strong enough to shift

the weight of moods of mourning or of dread.

When sleep-deprived and cramming all night long,

Or when I’ve failed a test or caught the flu,

Or lost a very hard-fought game of Pong,

To cheer myself I simply think of you.

To think of you is sunshine, bluest skies,

to thank the Lord that I’ve the truest friend,

to laugh when all the world wills me to cry,

while knowing life is good until the end.

So long as I’ve a faithful friend in you,

I never can eternally be blue.

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