December 28, 2021
By aryanthoria BRONZE, Ahmedabad, Other
aryanthoria BRONZE, Ahmedabad, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the world where vices are great,

where one's goodness is never paid,

a traveller dreamt of spreading glee,

amongst the poor,  deprived of the downcast sea.


The traveller went from street to street,

distributing happiness , so sweet,

and soon became everyone's dear,

for he considered honesty , his sphere.


One day, a storm knocked the door,

and destruction prevailed till the core,

the traveller was wrongly blamed ,

against his 'wrong' deeds , hatred tamed.


The winds whispered in the busy streets,

the traveller's misdeeds,

the whole world blamed a saint,

who now blamed his destiny's taint.


The traveller didn't succumb to allegations,

the heartless society's allegations,

and stood up against all odds,

slashing incriminations by the odds.


The storm was now silent,

after causing the destruction so violent,

awarding the traveller his lost self-respect,

his precious ,beautiful, unwavering respect.


The traveller went from street to street,

distributing happiness, so sweet,

as he wasn't as cruel as the others,

who blamed the character of their fellow brothers!

The author's comments:

This poem very beautifully talks about the spreading indifference in the society and aims at making people realise that we all are one and sometimes , what seems obvious is not correct. We must learn how to trust and develop unity with people.

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