Let's Just Change | Teen Ink

Let's Just Change

May 25, 2015
By flowersandrayne BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
flowersandrayne BRONZE, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We’re just a bunch of broken down, disadvantaged kids Struggling to find our way, so we devote our existence to hiding away Nothing has to be this way, nothing has to be this way Don’t be afraid to make a change Nothing has to be like this, nothing has to be this way why are you so afraid of change

Our thoughts are like hammers to the head Trying to escape them is laborious All we want is to find a way to fit in and be ourselves How do we find where we belong

One day, we’ll be on top of the world Nothing will be able to drag us down Maybe running away can make a change You know, they say that running from your problems it won’t fix anything, but maybe I don’t want to fix anything You were the problem and you meant everything to me why would i want to fix you

Nothing has to be like this, nothing has to be this way what happened to us what happened to making a change why are you so afraid

I’m waiting for you to try I’m waiting for you not to give up I’m waiting for something that will never come an unwelcome love lets just change

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