I'm Taking Control | Teen Ink

I'm Taking Control

March 25, 2015
By smatgirl98 BRONZE, Lyon, Mississippi
smatgirl98 BRONZE, Lyon, Mississippi
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Anyone can live off love because love provides everything though God in heaven. By:me

They don't take the time to see the real me,

through all the flaws they refuse to see.

They hate me 'cause we're not alike,

to them i'm just a maid along for the hike.

To them I will never matter as long as i am here,

but deep inside my heart I know the time is near.

I can't run from them anymore,

I got to stand tall keep my own feet on the floor.

Can't let them take control,

got to stay on a roll.

My life is my own,

my soul is home grown.

I was born in the country that is clear to see,

no matter where I go that's where my heart will continue to be.

There's nothing wrong with where I come from,

because when it's time my blessing

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