One Day (Tomorrow Never Comes) | Teen Ink

One Day (Tomorrow Never Comes)

August 6, 2012
By ShadowSheWolf GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
ShadowSheWolf GOLD, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She walks with pride, she walks in beauty
You watch from afar, she's all you see
She speaks so low, she speaks so high
You work on a greeting, but she’s saying good-bye

And it’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
When’s your day gonna come?
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
You know it’s no fun
One day, one day, one day
But that day never comes

She’s slipping by and you’re wasting time
There’s a promise, right in her eyes
Where’s your courage, where’s it now?
Or will you always think of the whys and how?

Because it’s in your eyes, it’s in your skin
You just have to find the strength within

And it’s Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
When’s your day gonna come?
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
You know it’s no fun
One day, one day, one day
But that day never comes

She calls, she beckons
You see it, you want it
Take a chance now
There’s nothing to lose

And she’s your everyday of the week
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
The day’s finally come
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Tomorrow no more
One day, one day, one day
It’s here

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