Not Breathing Now | Teen Ink

Not Breathing Now

July 5, 2012
By MadelineShae BRONZE, Mansfield, Texas
MadelineShae BRONZE, Mansfield, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be who you are, and say what you feel. Because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind" - Dr. Seuss

I am falling
And I'm drowning in the light.
I am needing
All the bad things to be alright.

Won't you catch me?
Don't you notice
I'm not the girl that I was before
Won't you love me.
Provide the service
Because each day has become a chore.

I'm not breathing now.
Can't you see me struggle?
I'm am slipping now.
Watch me stumble.
the pain and the hurt
I dont know what's worse
I can feel myself being pulled down.
I'm not breathing now.

I am choking
On the words that are poison on my tongue.
I'm just relying
On not myself
But everyone.

Can't you see now
I'm not me now
I've fallen on the floor.
I need to bring out
Who I'm not now.
To be the girl that I was before.

I'm not breathing now.
Can't you see me struggle.
I am slipping now
Watch me struggle
The Pain and the hurt
I don't know what's worse.
I can feel myself being pulled down.
I'm not breathing now.

I'm not breathing.
I am drowning.
I'm not breathing.
The Pain has sucked me down.

I'm not breathing now.
Can't you see me struggle.
I am slipping now
Watch me struggle.
The pain and the hurt
I don't know what's worse
I can feel myself being pulled down.
I'm not breathing now.
I'm not breathing now.
I'm not breathing

The author's comments:
Yeah. Dark song I know. And the funny this is, is that i was in a fine mood when I wrote this.

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