Is this Really love? | Teen Ink

Is this Really love?

November 8, 2011
By Kassie1234 BRONZE, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
Kassie1234 BRONZE, Uxbridge, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You make my heart jump
I see your face
Your eyes sparkle in the sun
I am afraid that I am falling for you
Falling(3x) into your arms
But wait I turn and see a reflection
Then I turn and see your smile
You make my heart jump with your smile
Then your heads turns and you say "I love you."
But wait I turn and say "I love you."
Your face turns red when I look in the mirror
we both turn and hug and say "I love you."
My words reached your heart
your words touched my heart
But in the end can we really say it's love
but wait this is love and in the end we settle it with a Kiss

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