final words | Teen Ink

final words

October 21, 2011
By samislamajamma BRONZE, East Jordan, Michigan
samislamajamma BRONZE, East Jordan, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Life is no Nintendo game you don’t die and come back again. There is no cruise control you must strum the guitar and learn to rock-n-roll, pick up the mick and rap out your soul or just grab a pencil and let it flow. Look out the window you will see a rainbow. The colors divine, your raps a rhyme and your rock-n-roll spoke to me as if it were mine. Now do me a favor, this may take some labor. Help family and friends create a sing song that never ends. Don’t matter if you stutter, stammer, screech or cackle you will cause someone to giggle laugh and even smile. I want to push pause to cherish my friends before this world comes to an end. You were with me when I was strong and even more so when I needed help to keep moving on. One more thing before I leave, there is no need for crying or even to grieve for I cannot depart without my two senses said “I will be staying in your heart and within your head. With our memory’s I will never truly be dead.”

The author's comments:
this is what i want read wheni die

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This article has 1 comment.

TNT25 SILVER said...
on Oct. 29 2011 at 10:00 am
TNT25 SILVER, Johnstown, Ohio
9 articles 0 photos 31 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Pain is just weakness leaving the body"

really like the flow of this and some of the metaphors! great job