Vines | Teen Ink


March 6, 2011
By 7l0v3annal0ve37 BRONZE, Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania
7l0v3annal0ve37 BRONZE, Dingmans Ferry, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This place could never feel more empty and more alone

Like walls closing in on the darkness that I created

Yeah, I must have created this

Because they say bad things happen to good people

But I’ve found the world has to be different than that

I hold myself at night, when the stars forget to shine

Where is everybody tonight?

Holding myself at night, makes this place feel so empty and alone

Tossing in bedsheets, these bedsheets that are hiding me

I’ll never come out until my friends are no longer enemies

These friends I’ve grown around, like vines creeping up

Stuck to my bedsheets, so in love I’m gonna die

So in love I’m gonna die

I’m gonna die

Holding myself at night, where is everybody tonight?

Can’t they remember that I am the one forgotten this time?

I forget how to smile on my own, on my own

I am so dependent, on independence that died

I am so dependent, on independence that I swear to God died

Where is there room for me to close my eyes?

You’ve broken this, and how did I get so broken anyway?

I can’t outrun myself, creeping up like vines

Strangling me with a daydream of better times

I never had better times

You’re creeping up like vines

Those that remind me, there were never better times

Never better times

Creeping up like vines

You’ve got me now, terrible sickness

Holding myself at night makes this place feel so much more empty and alone

Tuck me in and leave me out cold

The author's comments:
This is just a piece about those who may feel alone, and how the past, the past one wishes they could escape, may continuously creep up on them.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 27 2011 at 7:52 am
Epic, babe.