Rescue you | Teen Ink

Rescue you

January 6, 2011
By CrystalDoll2013 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
CrystalDoll2013 BRONZE, Aurora, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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It's amazing how 1 person has the power to change your life; it's even more amazing how that 1 person doesn't even realize what they've done & whether it being a good or bad thing only you have the power to decide if it'll benefit you or damage you.

I was switched off like a light.
A fighter with no fight.
Staring up at the stars, I'd giving into the dark.
Burned out like a match.
At the low end of the crash.
The moon glowed like a scar.
How did things go so far?

Somehow you saw someone worth saving.

You pulled me back into the light.

Now if ever I can rescue you, when you need two arms to fall into. You know exactly where I'll be.
Just look for me, oh look for me.

When it seems like you have lost it all and you feel like you're in free fall. Going deep into the blue. I will rescue you.

When every promise turns to dust. And there's no one left to trust.
When you're punching at the sky and you're out of allibies.
I know how this feels.
When the wounds don't want to heal.
But I won't forget your grace.
Or the beauty of your face.

Somehow you saw someone worth saving.

You pulled me back into the light.

Now if ever I can rescue you, when you need two arms to fall into. You know exactly where I'll be.
Just look for me, oh look for me.

When it seems like you have lost it all and you feel like you're in free fall. Going deep into the blue. I will rescue you.

I fell into that hole before.
And I, I walked into that slamming door.
And I faded away.
To where you are today.

Now if ever I can rescue you, when you need two arms to fall into. You know exactly where I'll be.
Just look for me, oh look for me.

When it seems like you have lost it all and you feel like you're in free fall. Going deep into the blue. I will rescue you.

The author's comments:
I was actually watching my favorite show (Degressi) and I heard Jake Epstein a.k.a Craig, sing this song I loved it. It reminds me of some very important people in my life.

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