Fragile | Teen Ink


February 25, 2010
By love2love17 GOLD, Springfield, Missouri
love2love17 GOLD, Springfield, Missouri
13 articles 0 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough. -Mae West

My heart's a fragile thing,
Are you worthy of holding it?
My hand needs a stable hand to hold,
Are you stable enough?

I might seem like I have it all together
But at my center
I'm just a little girl
Who needs an adult to help her

When I cry
Will you say good bye
Or wipe my tears away?
Will you break my heart,
Or are you truly here to stay

I might seem like I have it all together
But at my center
I'm a little girl who needs an adult to help her

Will you be there through my ups and downs?
Or will I just scare you away?
Can I be myself
Will you see for who I truly am
Or will you run away?

I might seem like I have it all together
But at the center
I'm a little girl
A fragile little girl
A little girl who needs an adult to help her find her way

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This article has 3 comments.

We-R-3 BRONZE said...
on Sep. 11 2010 at 3:40 pm
We-R-3 BRONZE, Orlando, Florida
1 article 0 photos 344 comments

Favorite Quote:
A picture is worth a thousand words, however it takes a real artist to turn words into pictures.

Have you heard about the new Lebron Iphone, you have to set it on vibrate because it doesn't have any rings

This is the type of thing that is already perfect in its raw format, extending revising and other things, will allow it to supercede most modern day poets, I find this poem ver jeanese qua. but I love it


J7X team.

on Sep. 11 2010 at 3:16 pm
AgnotTheOdd GOLD, Aptos, California
17 articles 0 photos 315 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The reason for your unreasonable treatment of my reason so enfeebles my reason that I have reason to complain of your reason" ~ Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Not bad, lyrics are hard to write.  Nice use of repetitions and rhyme scheme

WOuldn't mind if you commented on some of my stuff - any really

on Mar. 11 2010 at 7:46 am
TanazMasaba GOLD, Dhaka, Other
16 articles 10 photos 214 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's Heaven on Earth."

---William W. Purkey

its really good but u hav to keep writing to make it even better. I LOVED the way you tried to convey your feelings, it was really touching. Check out my poem Simple Advices. I dont think i am that good and that's why i need your opinion. KEEP WRITING!!!