Michael Vick | Teen Ink

Michael Vick

December 17, 2009
By Anonymous

Micheal Vick
Micheal Vick got in trouble with the law,
but after all
he is a great
and you need to appreciate.
His words and actions may make his image
but he needs his second chance at the line of scrimmage.
The dogs may hate him, but they will soon forget,
if you don' start approven, this might be an action that you will soon regret.

Kobe Bryant, Micheal Phelps, and Pacman Jones are with the law,
but they got the hearts of you all.
You love these people after what they did,
and you can't forget about Jason Kidd.
These are athletes they make mistakes,
you need to stop your hatin , and given Vick all of the heart aches.

Micheal Vick served his time,
for what he did in his crime
it was very stupid.
You need love him like you were shot by an arrow from baby Cupid.
I know that he is a star, and he should be smarter,
but he needs back on the field to become a starter.
The Eagles are the only smart team.
Vick is a great, they gave him his dream.

I know that the dogs deserve a second chance too
What do you know that might come true.
Some might have died,
but now he is bona fide.
He didn't give a chance for some of those dogs to survive,
but that could be his NFL drive.
Careers almost done, he is now twenty-nine,
he has given up his old ways to walk a new straight line.
Now he lives his life without dismay
I think that every person should feel this way.

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