Stuck in my Head | Teen Ink

Stuck in my Head

May 23, 2011
By briannaaa94 BRONZE, Warwick, Rhode Island
briannaaa94 BRONZE, Warwick, Rhode Island
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You may not expect this from a girl like me,
But a lot of times I feel trapped; just want to be free.
My mind's in a prison & its missing' the key,
& without any light I can just about see.
Up high in the distance is my only way out,
But even if it's true I don't know what it's about.
Why am I here tortured by my own thoughts?
What did I do that made me get caught?
I know I'm not sad, depressed or hurt;
But there are days I wonder why I'm treated like dirt.
What sucks about this cell is being so alone;
It’s like the past is queen & it's got her own throne.
She fills me with darkness & drowns me in regret;
Which in reality are the days I seem really upset?
But then it just hit me what this is all about.
I found all the answers even my way out.
That witch you see also known as Queen Bee,
Is the insecure girl, she used to be me.
The light above me is my window to freedom.
The lies I ate daily: forget it, don't need them.
Just climb on up to the future & present.
Life isn't perfect but there's bound to be a bruise or dent.
But the beauty of life is making it your own,
Smile more, laugh easily & make love your home.

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