I am a Thunderstorm | Teen Ink

I am a Thunderstorm

May 24, 2018
By ellieartone GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ellieartone GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Forming of warm moist air and strong winds,
a storm can rarely be predicted.

Letting go of raindrops that weigh it down,
a storm cries to relieve stress.

All siblings of each other but not a single twin,
a storm is a child of the earth.

Nearly 2,000 cover the sky at any given time,
a storm travels more than any plane.

Quick to arrive and quick to depart,
a storm rarely stays around for long.

A concoction of wind, rain, and air,
a storm constantly carries weight on its shoulders.

Deriving energy from temperature and water,
a storm is most active in the summer.

Leaving a path of destruction and chaos in its path,
a storm is hesitant to forgive. 

The symbol of something forgotten,
a storm grieves to remember those lost.

Following a silence and stillness in the air,
a storm disrupts the serenity of the sky.

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