Coffee Breath | Teen Ink

Coffee Breath

April 21, 2018
By kathleen_3 BRONZE, Rockwall, Texas
kathleen_3 BRONZE, Rockwall, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Coffee breath- acrid and honeyed
Lingers on my clothes and my skin and my only thoughts are of
Flashes of hazy sunshine when the day bled into night and
The way the fleeting light always seemed to catch the
Amber in your eyes, aflame in a bed of dusk
You twirling around me, hair streaming into the air
A crown of astral allure
Fingers locked together, creases in palms that aligned faultlessly
A puzzle that only we could complete
Pastel words shared in seclusion
Clung to the soul and grew there, turning seeds into flowers
Turning enthrallment into infatuation
Turning hunger into starvation
I needed you with every fiber of my being
Fighting words mutilate the sublimity
Curdle months of intimacy to become tainted
I saw the spark exit your eyes as quickly as it had manifested
Moving on, leaving me to grieve the loss of what we had in solidarity
Adrift without you, soul fragmented to shards
Now all I have left of you is coffee breath
Clinging to my skin
I cannot seem to wash it off

The author's comments:

I am a 17 year old student trying to share my world through words.

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