Society | Teen Ink


April 18, 2018
By thousandmuffins BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
thousandmuffins BRONZE, Chesapeake, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We toiled day after day
for more or less
the same results,
Looking for ways
to break up
the monotony
and ease the mind into acceptance
that nothing will ever change.

We never stopped
we didn’t grow,
we squirreled away money
for the future promise
Of someday actually being able
To live

After we’ve climbed and climbed
level after level of
challenge and hardship,
We finally arrived,
but alas,
our bodies had gotten
too frail to enjoy all of our
Past promises.

And yet again,
We had to move our minds
Into a sad state of acceptance,
Waiting for the inevitable winds of time
To whisk us away.

The author's comments:

What this is about is that it is my greatest fear, right behind death. That I would become too consumed with being society's definition of "successful" to be able to live life. I've heard that one of the more common regrets that people have before death is working too much and not spending time with their family.

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