Memories | Teen Ink


April 15, 2018
By Marybery15 GOLD, Everett, Massachusetts
Marybery15 GOLD, Everett, Massachusetts
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You have to want it, to achieve it"

You are now a simple memory because for two years you brought down my energy. You made me feel like I was on a roller costar some days up some days down but most days I could barely stay, stay with your negativity with your ability to oppress my opinions and put conditions on my own decisions. With your don't wear this, don't go here or there, sometimes I felt like I couldn't get air. You always knew how to convince me it was fair that you did it because you care but in reality, I was being controlled by your jealousy by thinking that other's thoughts and feelings towards me were your enemy's. I might miss you with our memories, but I truly don't miss your presence.

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