The Whereabouts of a Dreamer | Teen Ink

The Whereabouts of a Dreamer

March 15, 2018
By VallikaS BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
VallikaS BRONZE, Parsippany, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The modern Houdini of my society, I like to call myself.

A person who can break through the shackles of a location meant to Nurture. Torture. Educate. Replicate. Create the future… and then… repeat.

But there is no future in the mind of a dreamer.

No past.

No present.

Only… distance.

We build settings, worlds set on Earth, on different planets, in different countries, in different time periods. But where are they really?

In the mind of a dreamer.

A place whose password, code, and signal is meticulously kept secret. Inside is a whirlwind of ideas, thoughts, and prayers. Inside is the manifestation of wonders. Inside is a place that knows no bounds. Inside is a place that really isn’t… inside. A place no one may appreciate until expressed, depicted, or given. A place a far off place. Away from culture, religion, and race. Away from Materialism. Away from Realism. Away from Romanticism. Away from the confinement of labels and categories and groups. Neither utopia nor dictatorship.

Somewhere, given only one label for the ease of humans to wrap their heads around.

A place.

A distant place.

A dreamers place.

The author's comments:

I wrote this peice after the country-wide protest against gun voilence on March 14th. I needed an escape, so I sat on my couch that day with my computer and gazed out the window, watching the snow fall.

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