The Color of Opposites | Teen Ink

The Color of Opposites

March 7, 2018
By living_on_music BRONZE, Decorah, Iowa
living_on_music BRONZE, Decorah, Iowa
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Normalness leads to sadness" - Phil Lester

I am red. I represent passion and love. I am willing to help others and never give up and what and whom I love. But sometimes this passion of red fuels hate and anger to those who get in my way. Or to myself for not being good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough. Sometimes red represents blood. Like the blood that used to push its way through slits in my skin and drip out in red tears on to my uncut skin due to the red anger, the love and passion had caused. Love and passion aren’t always bad things though. I am red because I will use my past and my passion to push me forward instead of backward. Red also means to stop. To stop and think, To stop so you can then go stronger and harder than ever thanks to me. I am red. I sometimes stand for lust but what is that without love? Useless. Without all the parts of me, without every drop of blood, without every stop, without every heart, I would be just that. Useless. I am red, with one move, I can have you wrapped around my finger. I am survival and strength though sometimes impulsive. I am red. The color of romance, though also the color of hate. I am the color of passion, though I am the color of anger. I am the color of opposites. I am red.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by my past, and my push to do better.

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