My name | Teen Ink

My name

March 10, 2018
By lor.devil BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
lor.devil BRONZE, Baltimore, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name the word that defines me
The description I was given at birth so I could be told apart from others
Although a number...color could do the same thing
Not like it would be better
But that’s why it hurts when people slaughter my name
As if they were a butcher being paid to do so
The most embarrassing times are the first day of school
When the teacher says "mehkey" as if they had never seen the name before
Then I'd have to politely have to correct them
While waging a war behind my face and above my throat at the children laughing
It's gotten to the point of people making names up when they forget
Like mike, "melika" i or "malik" and there are those who make fun of me
We have "mekhi phifer" and "mekaaaaaaw" saying it as if they were a bird
It hurts so bad as if they had ripped out my heart
Then put it back a thousand times over
The real meaning of my name is "he who is like god"
But its ironic because they use to call me the devil at my old school
Only because I was so mean
But when family says it it's like happiness rolling from their tongue
The origins of my name come from Hebrew
But from my mother my name means "my prince"
And my middle name which is day'on
To my mother means I was born in the day and something about on
But I'm thankful for that its better than what my father was gonna name me
He was gonna name me Quanmay Briggs ew right I know
But even still I love my name not because of its meaning though
Because it makes me feel unique
To have a name like a flower soft and delicate
To have a name like a hot bath on Sunday morning with water like hope
To have that one thing that no one else to take away
It makes me so happy to have this beautiful word of description
To have this very small detail that separates me from others
But it's because when my mom and dad say it
It's like pure bliss slithering from their lips forming Mekhi Day'on 
And I am so very proud of that


The author's comments:

I feel like identity is an important part of who we are and that’s what this poem is about...who I am

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