The Field | Teen Ink

The Field

March 9, 2018
By nicole72713 BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
nicole72713 BRONZE, Gilford, New Hampshire
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Golden light leads the way of our journey,
warm hues sunkiss our bodies.
Running through the vibrant flower fields,
finding the right spot to watch the stars dance.
You grab a handful of wild blanket flowers and give them to me.
As we lay to watch the show,
reds and oranges begin to fade
to cool purples, which quickly disappear
to a dark blanket that wraps the sky with small specks of light.
Sun is gone with the warmth, we are welcomed with
the cool breeze, who brings us together, in our tight cocoon of blankets.
Crescent light shining down, but barely enough to see.
telling secrets between lips,
Making memories that only we know

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