My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

January 21, 2018
By HeadphoneGirl GOLD, Dallas, Texas
HeadphoneGirl GOLD, Dallas, Texas
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And there’s always sadness in our lives. It’s that sad feeling that keeps us going."-Sailor Moon
"Just cause you're a girl doesn't mean you have to wait for a prince come along on a white horse." -Sailor Chibi-Moon

Everywhere I go, she follows in suit, my shadow, my echo, forever stalking me
She’s with me when I sleep, when I eat, when I breathe
Clouds cover my brain and reagan.exe has stopped;my heart thumps and thumps
“You’re useless and you’re a defect, a mistake in the system.”
“You’re a b**** and a sult, a sad, lonely w***e.”
“You’re a retard, just drop out of school while you still have a chance.”
“You’re a freak everyone hates you, you’re a flaw, a computer glitch.”
The tears flow down my cheeks and stain my clothes as drool runs down my cheek.
“I just hit my head. I’m fine. I’m fine!” Lying through rotten teeth from too much sugar.
It’s her again, she come into my brain, infected my head.
I can’t stop the shaking as my eyes become saucers; an ocean of no white only blue.
Paired together with labored breathing and talking too fast; all signs of a “regan fit.”
She grabs my neck and I can no longer talk and barely breathe.
My stomach turns butterflies turn into bees; I start to hiccup as my chest rises and falls.
A titlewave of feelings tops it all off; dissatisfaction with my existence at large. 
Slowly the possession wears off, leaking from my body to retreat to her spot.
I go back to class, wiping my tears; an endless cycle that’s taken its toll over fifteen years.

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