confusion | Teen Ink


December 18, 2017
By cgrace6 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
cgrace6 BRONZE, Ionia, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Confused on being confused
I am Confused on who to love
Confused  about why i love who I love
I am lost in my thoughts.

I am confused on what i know
Im also confused on what i don't know
I am confused about what i do
Why i do what i do?

I am confused on why i cry
Why do i get so sad deep down inside?
Why do all the good people in my life continue to die?
I am confused on why i still care.

I am confused about why people leave
Confused about why i am confused
Why do i care about being confused?
Maybe i will never know why i do the things i do because i might always remain confused.

The author's comments:

I picked the topic of a symbol but since confusion is more of a feeling than a symbol. Its a symbol on how i feel about my family and how being confused about my family is all I feel since I dont know or understand my family anymore. 

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