The Young & Innocent Mind | Teen Ink

The Young & Innocent Mind

December 4, 2017
By KAKA.K BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
KAKA.K BRONZE, Staten Island, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

"Mind over matter," but the heart longs to speak

A single encryption holds the ground beneath your feet

Decoding the evil - only to lose control of it

You crave more; can you handle the plenitude?

The more you discover, the harder it is to resist

Well don't be surprised when you learn that the beast has concealed his one and only rose

Looks are deceiving and yes, Belle is grieving

You resemble Snow White & Lil' Red, as you jump when "Simon," the antagonist says

Lies are told, yet you listen on and refuse to comprehend the wickedness that has entered your ears & crept into your mind

The Witch and the Wolf greet your gullible self, just like the helping seven Dwarfs and sweet ol' Grandma

You come with the bread, but you leave with the apple

Oh don't be so naive child - or life will turn sour

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