Forgive My Guilt | Teen Ink

Forgive My Guilt

October 13, 2017
By Anonymous

Not always sure what things called sins may be,

But I am sure of one thing I have done.
It was eight years ago when
I would wake up in the middle of
the night hoping that my sister was asleep.
Walk in the pitch black hallways with my hands
extended like a zombie, trying to feel my way.
Finally finding the freezing doorknob on the right,
opening it slowly trying to shut up the noise.
Sneaking in there like a ninja trying not to get caught,
I would reach for the jet black lamp and turn it off.
I would then grab her ankles and
then pull her out of bed.
She would scream for her life thinking a ghost
had dragged her to the floor. Once again I
try to feel my way back to her lamp and turn it on.
I would laugh at her for crying like a baby.
Now that I see her only on Christmas,
every year I hope she will forgive my guilt.

The author's comments:

I want people to read this and reflect what they have done.

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