Spring Day | Teen Ink

Spring Day

August 26, 2017
By Anonymous

Don't dare leave me.
We'll move forward hand in hand.
You don't have to go.


These harsh, cold moments linger
Awaiting the first spring day.
The clock slowly moves.


This invisible light

Stays in between darkness
Though a tiny ray peeks through


A mere fantasy.
An hour, a day, a month or a year
Time stopped.
Froze, like the icicles that hang over my heart.


My body, filled with blood of a diseased heart.
You ruined everything for me.
I was so sure that we would sail smoothly
Across this journey we call life


What happened? What did I miss? Why though?
You changed.
Your heart was soft as dough.
Now it's hard as rock and cold like snow.
I wanted to restart but
You kept your mouth shut.
I cried just as loud as the crows
Hoping for the first spring day.


These scars that cover my whole body
Represent triumph
That's what I see.
They may all look alike
But behind them lie unique stories
Challenges I overcame – barely
As the first Spring Day drew closer.


It’s here…
I’m finally free.
The chapter of pain and suffering ends
And the Journey of a new one begins to bloom.


The torturous time stops.
That darkness that once held me in its vigorous grasp
Swiftly let me gasp for the air that was never there.


With my lungs filled with oxygen
The presence of the first Spring day
Finally melts off the bitter snow.
The rays of sun replace the heavy black clouds.
The dawn has begun.
Soon the birds will sing and the flowers shall grow.

The author's comments:

?I'm simply a high school student who had an assessment regarding poetry, something I love yet never tried to write a proper one ^-^ This poem would seem as if it has two people involved. But for me, it's someone fighting herself. Since she changed into someone she hated just to fit in. Though ofcourse, that's just my perspective :) 

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