Destiny. | Teen Ink


August 13, 2017
By kitchensink. BRONZE, Willowbrook, Illinois
kitchensink. BRONZE, Willowbrook, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

everyone's watching this disaster

I'm struggling to figure out which way I should go

whether I should listen to the headmaster

or the army of faceless people standing quietly


I look around to find a clue

to find a way to guide my mind

my eyes fall down on the path that I drew

but my heart tells me to find another way through


I want to scream until my voice breaks

so conflicted upon

what I should do during this earthquake

I pace around the room for hours


sitting at the bottom of a pool

will help drown out the sounds

but will I be considered a fool?

constant worry fills my head


sometimes I think I might as well be dead

but I drag on in this infinite desert

with a pounding in my head

the wind warns me to stay low


everything seems to be in slow motion

I wonder if I'll ever find my own voice

but I'll always get shushed by an ocean

silence soon became my best friend


even though I'll never feel whole

and my soul will forever be cold

there's still a hope, that I gain control

and find my true voice


when I wake from a dreamer's sleep

and come back to reality

I ponder on the things that I must keep

and the words that I should speak, when the night ends

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