The Silent Storm | Teen Ink

The Silent Storm

June 2, 2017
By Syd.Koenig SILVER, Telford, Pennsylvania
Syd.Koenig SILVER, Telford, Pennsylvania
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Let us believe in the impossible, the improbable, the unsolvable.
The ones who rise up out of the ashes, the ones who are out of sight and out of mind.
The ones who inspire us to be more than what was ever imagined.
Let us believe in the unbelievable,
let us see in the unseen, and let us know in the unknown.
May we break the mold, change the stereotype, shift the pattern.
May we fall, and break, and mess up; but may we rise, and fix, and change.
May we write it all down and remember, but may we never revise our past and forget.
May we recognize where we came from, but may we not let it define who we are.
May we live in a world where we believe in the fact and physical,
And may we not believe in the fiction and theoretical.
Let us not dwell on the what ifs. Let us not hold onto the past.
Let us not believe the right was wrong and the wrong was right.
Let us harbor our own truths.
Let us live.

The author's comments:

I felt inspired to write this piece because of rising tentions here in the United States, mainly having to do with politics. I feel currently, more than ever, we have to come together to work together for a better future. 

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