He Died a Dreamer | Teen Ink

He Died a Dreamer

May 5, 2017
By Anonymous

His face is red. - The perception is he went to bed.
Bad thoughts dance in his head. - They all say he’d be  better off dead.
Ready to take his own life, he grabs a rusty kitchen knife.
Can't remember when he stopped dreaming.
All he knows is he can't stop screaming.
He can no longer be silent!
He's gonna do something violent!
He never thought he'd be in this place!
Tears and streaming down his face.
His father says he's stuck in dreamland,
doesn't seem to understand not everything has to be planned.
Parents, can't you see that he is your son?
He's looking for your gun!
What have you done?
He's lost all hope.
Grabbed a rope, no other way to cope.
Wrapped around his neck is an epic train wreck.
He thinks for a sec...
Then it's all hands on deck!
He breathes his last breath,
then takes a walk with death.

I can't believe my ears, my face covered in tears, because I've known him for years.
While I was busy being cool,
acting like a fool, he was there with me in school.
He was pretty much prone to being alone.
He might've played the trombone.  Only spoke in a quiet tone.
Never had the coolest phone.
At lunch he sat in "the loser zone."
I should've known,
He was breaking apart like a sandstone,
Cracking like glass.
I saw him crying in class.
Ignored it, I was just trying to pass.
Forgetting that life moves fast.
I never thought his wouldn't last.
Now He's just part of the past.
Everyday he was harassed.
Treated like an outcast.
I wish I could've helped,
But I never asked.
I never seemed to care.
They treated him unfair.
Now I'm wrapped in despair.
Staring at his empty desk and chair!

I see the pain everywhere.
So I'm standing here to declare that our hearts need some repair.
We judge people by the way they fix their hair or what they choose to wear.
When we look in the mirror we don't see any clearer.
We try to blend in.
We just want to fit in.
Our conflict with society increases our anxiety.
Always trying to make a good impression.
We're Drowning in self obsession,
Longing for self expression.
Hiding behind our depression.
We've reached a point of transgression.
Our hearts are full of aggression.
Now I've got a confession...

You're beautiful. 
That's indisputable.
Words are not removable,
and some are inexcusable.
You don't have to be usual.
Your life is not reusable.
Don't you hear me?
You're beautiful!
Just because you're not perfect doesn't mean you're not worth it.
I wish you could see yourself through my eyes.
Cast away the other lies.
Listen to the battle cries!
We're all trying to survive,
We should happy we're alive!
I know some of us have tried.
We hate the word suicide.
Makes us want to run and hide.
That's why I'm standing here with my arms opened wide.
Telling you that it's all okay,
No matter what they say.
Life may seem pitiful,
but you are more than beautiful.

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