WE MATTER | Teen Ink


May 10, 2017
By godlyyrena BRONZE, Louisville , Kentucky
godlyyrena BRONZE, Louisville , Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We’re out here getting killed just for being a certain race.
But then we go and kill our own and it puts us to shame.
We stand in the streets and yell our lives matter.
But do they really?
Because our lives are just being shattered.
Every day one of us is killed.
And everything just seems like everything is unfulfilled.
Our voices are loud, proud, and arranged.
But do they hear us because nothing is being changed.
Imagine going into the store and being followed just because they think we’re going to steal.
So we stand up to them with our hands held high.
Hands up and ready to dignify.
Don’t shoot.

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