The Gates of Heaven | Teen Ink

The Gates of Heaven

May 10, 2017
By ZyonI BRONZE, Macon, Georgia
ZyonI BRONZE, Macon, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My heart is on a searchfor your presence.

My mind comtemplates with insane.

Tears are shed millons at a time.

Heart bleeds from heartbreak through a bandaid.


I have lost many love ones, 

But gained many angels.

God called you all home then to help me now.

As the pain make me stronger but it"s sad how.


I have my moments but I hear your voice say,

"Baby dont cry,

Im here with you just in a better way."

I questioned God first but i understand his plan now.  


When it's my time, I'll meet you at the gates of Heaven.

My heart will be fixed and my mind with stop the wonder.

We will back together again.


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