Temptation | Teen Ink


March 7, 2017
By Julianewsomee GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
Julianewsomee GOLD, Middleburgh, New York
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

All is still,
As she silently floats in her own happiness.
Calmly, I approach her,
Yet she ignores my mere presence,
For her sincere laughter echoes greater than mine
And innocently leaves ripples
Along life’s surface.


As dying day melts away
I catch myself admiring her reflection.
She knows this,
Yet her haze gaze dose not confront mine,
Instead it traces on droplet
As it falls from her forehead
And carves the youthful features of her face.
Eventually stopping at her cupids bow
As if taunting me.


I shift my focus from her dewy lips
To her tan, mature, bare body.
She sees this
And she does not turn away.


My forgiving hands want her damp skin,
My aching lips crave comfort from her velvet kisses,
I call to her wearing a smile laced with love.
But she does not turn to face me
Instead, she leaves me with the sight of
Ebony strands of hair.

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