Where Im From | Teen Ink

Where Im From

February 2, 2017
By Vell3900 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Vell3900 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m from a time of where I never got a chance to stay in the same house.
moving, making friends, starting over each step.
Frustrated and lonely. . .

I am from the South side of Chicago–
Gangs and living each day surviving, playing competitive sports to escape.
Focused and cautions. . .

I am from sacrificing my childhood–
being outside is dangerous, traveling around to play sports, giving me hope.
Scared and Motivated. . .

I am from a family of four with one sister,
the big brother, the person they go to for help, and the person they look up to
Family and love . . .

I am from a new environment and family who changed my life!
Living in the suburbs, new opportunity, fresh start.
Grateful and Blessed. . .

I am a senior, five months left to graduated.
Uncertain about college, education, but excited about what the future will bring.
Confident and excited.

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