The Rose of Life | Teen Ink

The Rose of Life

November 21, 2016
By sarahmcpherson416 BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
sarahmcpherson416 BRONZE, Miramar, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Small and frail you began,
A limp green sprout arising from the soil.

I turned around today and there you were,
Your leaves taking formation and an elated smile.

Inches and inches you grew,
Now a long and lengthy green steam you possessed.

Soon enough your petals took form,
You were blossoming as well as becoming your best.

With each new accomplishment you grew,
Your steam soaring amongst the others.

Soon enough your body took flight,
Peaking with bloom.

You were now a green plant with a large rose,
Your beautiful yellow colors become radiant and glow.

You continued to bloom and flourish,
But then a drought approached.

One by one petals fell from your aching body,
As I knew the end was near.

Shriveled up you lay in bed,
What a beautiful life my dear.

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