My Education Story | Teen Ink

My Education Story

November 15, 2016
By JeffreyH BRONZE, Manassas, Virginia
JeffreyH BRONZE, Manassas, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Education seemed unattainable, so far from my grasp yet so near,
A hopeless venture, a word with no meaning to me,
The thing my parents were denied,
The thing that divided me between my peers.
English was to them a basic instinct, but to me, an incoherent mixture of noises.
English at school, Spanish at home, a routine cycle,
Yet with the aid of my parents and teachers, education was a capacity I could reach.
Through my determination and support, I conquered English.
Surpassing my peers came as a surprise, the same people I sought to become.
After that, school came easy to me, as is elementary and middle school,
Yet high school is different.
Defeated and Confused came knocking at my door once again,
School intertwined with my personal life, balance was one thing I couldn’t achieve.
A reminder of the struggles my parents needed to overcome set me straight,
My purpose was as clear as my resolve,
To succeed in obtaining an education and being the first in my family to go to college.
To take my education for granted would be a most indignant act,
Education is something I can control in my uncontrollable life.

The author's comments:

To speak one language and then told you need to learn and speak another completely different language, it is a transition many people have had to overcome or adapt to. This is just one story many can relate to, I hope people understand no matter where you come from or who you are, your education doesn't define you, you define your education.

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