Late Drive | Teen Ink

Late Drive

October 25, 2016
By rosiethepuppy BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
rosiethepuppy BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

You see them going down the street
In time you’re expected to tame them
These hulking metal beasts that cough thick black smoke and purr
They have four wheels, bright lights and colorful bodies
We take care of them like our pets,
Washing, oiling, feeding, changing the various fluids and outer appliances
They drink combustible liquid from nozzles at a station
These beautiful fast machines travel in herds on the freeway like cattle, slowly and in groups
These fantastic mechanic inventions are simultaneously delicate and virtually indestructible
When a beautiful spark makes a little explosion in the pistons
That is the best feeling when driving
But, these gracious creatures can turn on you
Crash into you from behind, the side, headlong, run you off the road
Now you’re lying in your machine, blood dripping from your head
Disoriented, the you can only feel the embrace of your vehicle
And the windshield in your neck and chest
That’s what happens when hard steel to breakable glass are melded together
You get a risk, a potential circumstance
But that’s what living is all about

The author's comments:

This a poem about thoughts I have when learning to drive.

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