Fake Fairytales | Teen Ink

Fake Fairytales

October 3, 2016
By writer109 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
writer109 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason"

At a young age, we develop the passion to believe in fairytales. The case in which a boy can give us happiness and fix our hearts-- overlooking our past and opening a brighter future. However, those three words can not patch up any insecurities, as once portrayed. The belief that it can, is only a wish, a dream the heart makes. Overall, the perfect guy, or rather, prince's love can not fix you- or me- or anyone. It is purely false. We can not depend on anyone else to be our happiness, we only have ourselves.


-s.m. fake fairytales

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