memory poem | Teen Ink

memory poem

October 2, 2016
By drewboy BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
drewboy BRONZE, Oak Park, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I wonder if it's that simple?,

To remeber what life was like when I was little,

When I would watch basketball with my dad,

Or hearing my parents argue and asking them why?,

Waiting for my life to truly begin.


I've seen the world change throughout the years,

The world has smiled at me and I have smiled right back,

But I have changed from a young boy into a young man,

Soon college will come calling my name,

I will need to be ready.


I have done a lot of things in this life,

Even though my life isn't over yet,

Actually hearing my dad say that he's proud of how i'm doing,

Caused me to actually think about my life,

Once I made it to high school everything changed,


That old boy that took the easy way out, was no more,

I have to do hard work for now on,

I'm not thinking about a job yet,

But sooner or later I have to make money for my family,

Can I ever achieve my goals in life. 

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