The Pathway | Teen Ink

The Pathway

October 2, 2016
By ShylaC BRONZE, St. Joseph, Missouri
ShylaC BRONZE, St. Joseph, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walking slowly down this pathway,
I shudder,
Despair seeping through,
Memories better left forgotten rise again.


Nothing but dread,
As I walk alone,
Down this pathway,
no one to keep me company,
No one to drive the pain away.


As if I’m living it through once again,
When I walk down this pathway,
Pain coming alive, never to be escaped.


Strolling down this lane,                                                    
With an arm brushing against mine,                             
The pain crawls away,
As he smiles my way.


Every day, with another hand clasped around mine,
Fear does not come,
At the sight of the once dreaded lone.
Joy and hope takes over.


Walking slowly down this pathway,
I laugh with pleasure,
Joviality all around,
Contented memories now arise.

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