A Letter To Self | Teen Ink

A Letter To Self

September 15, 2016
By eblouissant BRONZE, Toronto, Other
eblouissant BRONZE, Toronto, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

seemed to stands out
when I was surrounded by a pool of voice —
arguments, dialogs, laughter….
became background noises


they were discussing me like an object
they made up stories about me
they gave me labels that are false


I started feeling nervous around people —
antisocial became my new label
I started doubting myself
I started wondering who am I
I was lost


I lost faith in myself
I listened to people —
people who didn’t even know me
I was living my life to make others happy
while I was


I avoided looking into the mirrors
I realized that I couldn't recognize myself anymore
I was trapped by lies
I was disconnected with my own self


return to myself, discover who I am
that was what I needed
stop worrying about what I was projecting to the world
be real


like a total eclipse
when I started being myself, I shine
even under darkness
the light can be beautiful and blinding


I started to notice people who appreciate me as who I am
I started to find my potential
I understood now
that believing in myself
is a source of courage, a source of happiness


I’m not afraid of being different anymore
that only makes me unique
I won’t restyle my appearance to satisfy the others
I won’t change my personalities to make the others accept me


I’m just an epitome of many others
in this world.
I hesitated in the process
I might be weak at one point
I stayed true to myself in the end
I found strength and confidence.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this poem through a conversation with my friend. We were talking about self-esteem and how we deal with judgements. I think a lot of times, we try to hide our real self because we are afraid of criticisms and eventually we start to lose our own identity. Especially for teenagers, I know that our desire to fit in often cause us to lose confidence in our true self. So I reflected on my personal experiences while writing this poem. I hope people can see that it is okay to be different, and it is important to be confident and be yourself.

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