Our Time | Teen Ink

Our Time

June 13, 2016
By Samir SILVER, Sewickley , Pennsylvania
Samir SILVER, Sewickley , Pennsylvania
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The most valuable asset we have we waste

The most valuable asset we have we spend in haste
I know a man who dying of a chronic illness, ask him of the problems he has faced
He is paralyzed from his feet to his waist
On the epic poem of the Universe, he is soon to be erased
If he could just taste
The time that you have on your hands
You have the ability to do anything at your mind's command
Now some of you have your entire lives planned
But when your hourglass is down to its last grain of sand
The only the thing that matters is the legacy you created
The memories you made and the conflicts you debated
So expand your horizons
Don't squander your time pressing buttons on a black remote that says "Verizon"
Be a risin' star and make your presence visible from afar
Enjoy every second like its your last
Here's comes cliched message, but the truth is that lives moves fast
Way too fast
Don't let it pass
Don't live in the past
I don't care if you were harassed
Move on
Because the future is waiting, the opportunities are vast
It is imperative to cherish every second
Live in the present and learn from your lessons
Life is a big bowl of rice
Enjoy every grain
Enjoy all the smiles and learn from the pain
Enjoy all the sunshines and enjoy all the rain
Don't flush your time down the drain
Be one among the wise men
Live in the now and not in the then
Enjoy the time that you will never get again.

The author's comments:

This piece is about the importance of time and how valuable every second of existence truly is.

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